Efficient Leader Election in Complete Networks

May 27, 2018

The paper Efficient Leader Election in Complete Networks describes an algorithm with a time and message complexity linear to the number of nodes in the network. It focuses only on leader election, leaving aside what triggers leader election and how non-leaders discover the identity of the new leader.

Main idea: The candidate with the highest ID will become the leader during an election.

The algorithm requires the nodes to be organized in a virtual ring:

  • each node has a unique identifier that can be sort-ordered with other nodes’ IDs,
  • each node knows its neighbor node, and
  • the neighbor must be the ID directly below the node’s ID in the network. Exception: The last node’s neighbor is the first node.

For example, node-neighbor organization is like this if a network has nodes {A..E}:

NodeA = { neighbor = NodeB }
NodeB = { neighbor = NodeC }
NodeC = { neighbor = NodeD }
NodeD = { neighbor = NodeE }
NodeE = { neighbor = NodeA }

The algorithm allows passive nodes to become candidates at any moment and many nodes to become candidates at the same time.

Nodes carry state during an election. They update state as they become candidates and receive messages. Nodes receive messages from predecessors and candidates.

A node maintains three pieces of state: status, candidate_successor, and candidate_predecessor.

The possible values for status are:

  • passive
  • candidate
  • dummy
  • waiting
  • leader

Each node’s initial status is passive.

It gets to know candidate_successors and predecessors through 3 kinds of messages: message1, message2, and message3.

candidate_predecessor holds the most recently known candidate that contacts the node through message1 or message3. When a candidate node holds this value, it knows that everything between the candidate_predecessor and itself in the sense of direction of the candidate_predecessor’s neighbor is a dummy.

candidate_successor holds the most recently known candidate that’s higher ranked than the node. Since lower ranked candidates cannot become the leader, candidates that have a candidate_successor value will eventually become a dummy.

A node can spontaneously “wake up” for leader election. It does this by executing an initiate function. This function sets candidate_successor and candidate_predecessor to NULL and changes the status to candidate. It then sends message1 to neighbor.

There are two ways a node can become a leader. The first is if its the only candidate in an election. A node knows that its the only candidate in an election if it receives message1(sendingNodeId) and sendingNodeId is its own ID. This means that the message1(sendingNodeId = ownId) message it sent to its neighbor got all the way around the ring and back to itself without hitting any other candidates.

The second way is if the node is the highest ID candidate of the election. Nodes sending and receiving message2 and message3 help let the highest ID’d candidate know that it’s the leader. A node is the leader if it receives message3(new_candidate_predecessor) and new_candidate_predecessor is its own ID.

The algorithm achieves the second way with cleverness; it’s not an intuitive process. Let’s break down how nodes set state and send messages when they receive messages. The following code snippets are in Ruby and only show essential parts of the algorithm. Constant meanings should be self-explanatory and @id is the ID of the node.


def message1(new_candidate_predecessor)
  case @status
  when PASSIVE
    @status = DUMMY
    send_message(@neighbor, :message1, new_candidate_predecessor)
    @candidate_predecessor = new_candidate_predecessor

    if (@id == new_candidate_predecessor)
      @status = LEADER
    elsif (@id > new_candidate_predecessor)
      if @candidate_successor
        @status = DUMMY
        send_message(@candidate_successor, :message3, new_candidate_predecessor)
        @status = WAITING
        send_message(new_candidate_predecessor, :message2, @id)

If the node hasn’t “woken up,” it becomes a DUMMY and passes the new_candidate_predecessor to its @neighbor.

If the node has “woken up” — i.e. it’s currently a candidate—, it saves the new_candidate_predecessor as the @candidate_predecessor. What happens next depends on how the node’s @id relates to the new_candidate_predecessor.

If the @id is the new_candidate_predecessor, that means the :message1 originally sent by @id has made its way all around the ring with no other candidates. Now it knows itself as the leader.

If the @id is higher than the new_candidate_predecessor, this means that the message made itself “around” the ring; it crossed the imaginary border between the lowest and highest ID’d nodes. This also means that @id is a candidate successor to new_candidate_predecessor; new_candidate_predecessor is a lower ranked candidate than @id. Knowing this, we set the node’s status to WAITING — a way of letting other received messages know that the node already received message1 — and send message2(@id) to new_candidate_predecessor. This is the way the algorithm marks the new_candidate_predecessor’s @candidate_successor with @id and eventually/or become a DUMMY.


def message2(new_candidate_successor)
  case @status
    if @candidate_predecessor
      send_message(new_candidate_successor, :message3, @candidate_predecessor)
      @status = DUMMY
      @candidate_successor = new_candidate_successor
  when WAITING
    @candidate_successor = new_candidate_successor

Only waiting candidate nodes whose IDs are higher send message2 to nodes whose IDs are lower. In other words, if a message receives message2, it knows it can’t be the leader. And since message2 is the only place where @candidate_successors are set, then message1 and message3 know that if the node has a @candidate_successor, then they can safely mark the node as a dummy before sending off a message3 to the @candidate_successor.


def message3(new_candidate_predecessor)
  case @status
  when WAITING
    @candidate_predecessor = new_candidate_predecessor

    if @id == new_candidate_predecessor
      @status = LEADER
      if @candidate_successor
        @status = DUMMY
        send_message(@candidate_successor, :message3, new_candidate_predecessor)
        if @id > new_candidate_predecessor
          send_message(new_candidate_predecessor, :message2, @id)

If a node message receives message3(new_candidate_predecessor)new_candidate_predecessor being the candidate predecessor to the node that sent the message —, the node is essentially being told that, now, this new_candidate_predecessor should replace the @candidate_predecessor. What does this mean? To the node it means now all nodes from @candidate_predecessor to itself in the sense of direction of the @candidate_predecessor’s neighbor are dummies.

If the @id is higher than the new_candidate_predecessor, this means that the message made itself “around” the ring; it crossed the imaginary border between the lowest and highest ID’d nodes. This also means that the new_candidate_predecessor is a candidate successor — a lower ranked candidate —  to @id. We send message2(@id) to new_candidate_predecessor. This is the way the algorithm marks the new_candidate_predecessor’s @candidate_successor with @id and eventually/or become a DUMMY.

If the @id is the @candidate_predecessor, then all nodes from itself to itself are dummies; it is the leader.